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Today's Sapphire

The Shofar Gathering

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Feast of Trumpets is about the shofar/ram's horn. When the priests sounded it, Israel would gather to meet with the Lord. When the watchman sounded it, they would gather to prepare for war. When it was sounded at Sinai, Israel gathered around the mountain. The shofar sound is linked to the gathering of Israel. Isaiah speaks of a great shofar sounding and Israel gathering in the end-times. Thus, when you see the Jewish people gather back to Israel, you know it's the time of the shofar. They've gathered because God's calling them for a meeting. Hosea prophesied, "Afterward, the children of Israel will return and seek the LORD their God and David their King ..." - that's Messiah - "... and come trembling to Him in the last days." The Jewish people have gathered again because they have an appointment to meet with Messiah. Israel is the sign of the end-times. Therefore, live in the light of this, be strong in these end- times, and prepare to meet God. The shofar is sounding and you need to draw near because God is calling you.

From Message #1130 - The Sound of the King

Today's Mission

Respond to the sound of His shofar today and come into the presence of the Lord for your appointed time with Him.

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:12
