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Today's Sapphire

Seeing Things as They are not

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Much of world history happened because of revolutionaries making a difference. There's a trait that revolutionaries share. They never accept things as they are, or the status quo as the final story. They see it as temporary, something that's going to change. They see their defeats as temporary setbacks and their dreams as if they're already the final reality. Most believers tend to just accept the world, situations, and people as they are, resigning themselves to the darkness. God called you to be a light to the world, to make a difference, to be a true revolutionary. In order to do that, you need to see things in a revolutionary way. As God's revolutionary, you can't accept the world, or the status quo, as the final story. Your situation is only temporary. Darkness and sin is not the final story. Your failures are no longer failures, they're now only setbacks. There are no more real problems in God, only challenges. No more hopeless defeats, only victories and triumphs waiting to happen. Put on revolutionary eyes, because it's time to change the world. It's time to live like a revolutionary.

From Message #973 - Revolutionary

Today's Mission

Put on revolutionary eyes today. Don't accept things as they seem, but as God has willed them to be - your circumstances, your life, and even yourself.

Scripture: Psalm 33:4
