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Today's Sapphire

Healing Are The Wounds

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend..." The word translated as "faithful" is the Hebrew word "aman." Aman can mean many things, but one of its meanings is "to nurse." A strange thing, because "to nurse" would seem to be the very opposite of "to wound." The wounds of a friend can actually nurse and bring healing, especially when that Friend is God. The Lord allows His children to be wounded - to know hurt, emotionally, mentally, or physically. But He promises to work all things, even the wounds, for your good. That means whenever He allows a hurt or a wound to touch your life - even that is for your good. God will use every hurt in your life to bring about a greater blessing; a deeper relationship with Him, spiritual growth, or healing for your soul. So here’s a new way to look at the hurts and wounds of your life. Every one of them has a purpose to bring you a blessing. Seek God for that blessing, even when you don’t understand it - and that wound will turn from hurtful to healing.

From Message #1396 - Faithful Are The Wounds

Today's Mission

Today, bring your wounds to Him and receive the healing that comes from His wounds.

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:19
Proverbs 27:6
