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Today's Sapphire

The Beggar and The King

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A king adopts a beggar child, takes him into his mansion and says all this is yours. The child takes the candlesticks and jewels and puts them in his pocket. He takes the paintings down, puts them in a bag. The child still has the mind and heart of a beggar. He doesn't really believe he's rich, adopted or loved. As long as he clings to it, he's not. If we're clinging to money, that means we're really not rich. If we're clinging to possessions, that means we really don't have much. If we're clinging to the love of people, then it means we really don't have love. If we're clinging to anything in the world, it means we really don't have much in heaven. You're a child of God if you're born again. You're a child of the king. Whatever He has is yours. He has gladly, freely, given you the kingdom and all His blessings. You don't have to cling to things anymore. If you're His child, you're rich. Receive it, and stop clinging. Let go and be blessed. In God, you're no longer a beggar. You're a child of the King.

From Message #638 - Beggars, Princes, & Fairy Tales

Today's Mission

Give to those in need and help the ones who have lost hope; love those who need to see, and feel God's love. Doing these things, we store up heavenly treasures and His blessings.

Scripture: Luke 12:32
