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Today's Sapphire

No-Turn Living - How to do it

Friday, June 24, 2022

Proverbs 15:21 speaks about walking straight. God calls us to live straight, to walk straight. Since the closest distance between two points is a straight line, the less you turn, the quicker you will get to where you are going in the Lord. The less you turn, the less you waiver. The straighter you walk, the faster you will get to your goal in the Lord, to where you are supposed to be. The straighter your thoughts, the faster you will go. The straighter your heart, the faster you will grow in the Lord. The straighter your walk, the faster you'll go, the more progress you'll make, and you'll have momentum. The more momentum you have, the more power you'll have to gain the breakthrough. The more you waiver and are double-minded, the less momentum you gain. You lose time, momentum, energy and power. Therefore, live straight; think, act, talk, and be straight. You will walk with power, and have your breakthrough. Learn to live a no-turning walk, with a no-turn faith and no-turn heart. Your walk will be powerful, blessed, victorious. That's the truth. Straight up.

From Message #954 - Straight Up

Today's Mission

Keep your eyes set upon the Lord as your guiding light. Maintain your straight course and do not waiver left or right and you will have power for many breakthroughs.

Scripture: Ephesians 5:8 | Proverbs 15:21
