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Today's Sapphire

Apply This

Monday, June 27, 2022

You probably attend worship services regularly, and hear a message or sermon every week. You may even listen to Christian radio daily. With so many ways to enjoy the Word of God, it's very easy for us to develop a consumer mentality that affects our faith, walk and causes us to treat the Word of God as something to be consumed. We sit in services as if we are sitting at a football game, or in front of a television. Consumerism causes us to focus on our feelings. We may feel good, spiritual, righteous, or like we have done our part, but the Word is a seed designed to produce fruit, not feelings! The book of James tells us not only to be hearers of the Word, but doers also. The Word can bring about the changes needed to produce fruit in your life. But the Word only bears fruit when it's applied to your heart and life. So resolve to put into action what you've already heard. Be a doer of the Word today, be good soil, and let the Word bear fruit. And continue to grow in God, that your fruit may remain.

From Message #949 - Twenty-one Missions

Today's Mission

Apply the Holy Word to your life today, just as a seed grows to produce its fruit, so let the fruit of the Spirit to cause you do great things in His name.

Scripture: James 1:22-25
